کدخبر :192901 پرینت
30 آبان 1395 - 18:03

جزئیات برنامه کارگاه آموزشی "جنبه های اقتصادی مدیریت طیف"

کارگاه آموزشی بین المللی "جنبه های اقتصادی مدیریت طیف" اول تا سوم آذرماه 95، در سالن های جنبی مرکز همایش های شهید قندی وزارت ارتباطات و فناوری اطلاعات برگزار می شود.

متن خبر

به گزارش خبرنگار سیتنا، آیین افتتاح این کارگاه آموزشی بین المللی ساعت 9:30 تا 10 صبح در سالن اجتماعات الغدیر مرکز همایش های شهید قندی وزارت ارتباطات و فناوری اطلاعات برگزار و پس از آن، کارگاه های آموزشی آغاز خواهند شد.

جزئیات این کارگاه سه روزه به شرح ذیل است:

Day 1 (9:00 AM – 17:15 PM)


Opening Remarks

Istvan on behalf of ITU,

Dr. Yazdanian Head of ICT Faculty welcome Remarks,

Dr. Amidian, Deputy Minister , Head of CRA (Communication regulation authority)


Group Photo and Café-Break


National Spectrum Management and outcomes of RA-15, WRC-15 & CPM19-1

The session will provide a summary of the outcomes of the RA-15 and CPM19-1 would help understand the direction of workflow of various BR study groups of the current study period leading up to WRC-19. It will also .attempt to give an explain the overall National Spectrum Management requirements


  • Aamir (2 presentations)
  • Country Presentation: Mongolia


Economics of Spectrum as a resource

Radio Frequency Spectrum is a vital input into an ever widening range of uses and with evolution of various commercial services depending on this limited resource, Spectrum has become a valuable economic good. With this widely understood notion, the session would attempt to highlight the fundamental issue of allocating spectrum efficiently i.e. to rely on market mechanisms through coherent economic, technological and regulatory pillars


  • Dr .Fard
  • Pavel


Spectrum liberalization and Methods of incorporating economic forces and market mechanisms in SM

The traditional approach to SM through “command-and-control” regulation (C&C) - has caused artificial spectrum scarcity. With the advent of complex market structures dependent on spectrum as resource/good, spectrum Liberalization together with spectrum trading are seen as a market based regulatory tools  that makes it easier for entrepreneurs and innovators to enter the market, deploy new technologies and applications, and compete.

The session would look into several ways in which market and price based methods are being utilised in spectrum management so that the participants become aware of these approaches and consider them for application in their jurisdictions on the basis of specific uses and specific bands.

Also it will deal with the spectrum management assessment and development of Spectrum Management Master Plan.


  • Istvan
  • Vári Peter
  • Country Presentation: PNG
  • Country Presentation: Indonesia

Day 2  (9:00 AM – 17:00 PM)


Ways of ensuring access to spectrum

A major goal of spectrum management is to ensure that the existing supply is used in a way that maximizes spectrum’s economic value. If we analyze deeply than we can be subdivide this goal into three domains:

  • Ensuring efficient use of the scarce resource
  • Promoting competition
  • Promoting technological innovation

This session would look into the possible ways in which processes to allow access to spectrum can be adapted to achieve these goals including preparation of the National Table of Frequency Allocations


  • Istvan
  • Country Presentation: Cambodia
  • Country Presentation: Maldives


Spectrum assignment and the design of spectrum auctions

Outside the spectrum bands which are commons, the spectrum regulators have traditionally assigned frequencies within geographical areas to users, often via granting them a license, which has normally been for their exclusive use. In the past 25 years, however, in the case of many assignments, especially for mobile communications, a new method has displaced these earlier methods. This involves the use of auctions, in the course of which licenses are awarded to those offering the greatest monetary sum for the scarce national resource. This session will consider various types of auction, compare them with other assignment methods, such as beauty contests and lotteries etc., and consider case studies where auctions have performed well and others where they have performed otherwise. In summary the session would focus on:

  • Different methods of assigning spectrum
  • The organization and logistics of auctions
  • Types of auction
  • Additional features of auction design
  • Case study of the spectrum Auctions


  • Aamir
  • Country Presentation: Pakistan
  • Country Presentation: Bangladesh
  • Vari Peter
  • Country Presentation: Vietnam
  • Country Presentation: Iran (CRA)


Setting up rules for secondary markets in spectrum trading

In more advanced markets with high demand of spectrum for commercial RF spectrum bands, Spectrum trading is a powerful way of allowing market forces to manage the assignment of radio spectrum rights and associated obligations. This regulatory mechanism is also seen as tool to ensure efficient spectrum utilization thereby providing a vent to counter spectrum hoarding. The session would try to explain:

  • Spectrum trading: what it is and why it is important
  • Enabling spectrum trading
  • Objections to spectrum trading
  • Spectrum trading in practice


  • Dr.Fard
  • Ben Freyens
  • Country Presentation: Pakistan

Day 3 (9:00 AM – 17:00 PM)


Re-purposing and re-farming spectrum bands

From time to time, efficient Spectrum Management requires a combination of administrative, financial and technical measures aimed at removing users or equipment of the existing frequency assignments either completely or partially from a particular frequency band. The main drivers of such activity are to:

  • Ensure spectrum is deployed over time in its most productive uses
  • Maintain the possibility of entry by new suppliers
  • Ensure continuity of service for consumers

The session would look into different methods to undertake such activities in a successfully efficient manner.


  • Dr.Fard
  • Pavel


Spectrum pricing and valuation

In traditional spectrum management regimes, RF spectrum is normally assigned to users by an administrative mechanism, rather than by setting a higher price at which the user can but need not buy it. However this approach usually intends to cover the costs of the spectrum management regime rather than to reflect the scarcity of the spectrum as a resource. In this session we shall discuss alternative ways of setting such prices.


  • Istvan
  • Hend Baklouti , SFM Telecomm
  • Ben Freyens


Group Discussion and knowledge exchange


  • Aamir, ITU (will try to come up with one case scenario in which participants can group together to come up with strategy to create an auction from regulators perspective)
  • One Dr.Fard

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